Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I couldn't think of a cool title today, so you're stuck with yo!!! What a day and a half. I can't believe it's only Wednesday. If I can get through this week, it'll be a miracle. I have been having a heck of a time sleeping well. If I never see another paid program feature of 'The Sleep Number Bed', it'll be to soon. Obviously, this is going to be one of those deep, dark thought provoking blogs:) That'll be the day. I bought myself a planner yesterday. Now all I want to do is get rid of it. I've figured out why I didn't have one this last year. Once you see all the things that you have planned to do, it makes you go crazy. Or at least that's what it does to me. Go figure! Life is way to complicated and 'planned' out for me anyway. I don't want a daily reminder of it. Well, now that I got that out of my system. Maybe I should think more positively on the subject....Okay I thought about it....yep I got nothin'. In all seriousness, it was brought to my attention a couple of day ago that perhaps I could be a bit more organized. Hopefully, this will prove to be a fruitful venture. So this weekend, I will attempt to change my room around. Unfortunately, I have picked up a bad habit from my mom. I remember when I was a little kid having to help my mom move our furniture around A LOT. I'm okay with change and all, but I prefer that it happen when I want it to. This is one those times in which I can control said change. I'm looking forward to this activity...I even put it in my planner! OMGosh! Did heck just freeze over? WOW! I can tell it is SO time to hit the hay....with that I bit thee good night! Later:)

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