This blog needs some help, I think. When I rearranged my room, I didn't connect the cable box to my T.V. Oddly enough I think that it has served me well. I have removed the temptation to want to watch television shows during the work hours and I don't stay up super late at night channel surfing. Oh...this is a random thought but have any of you ever played that game? It is very simple. All you need is a T.V., a remote (or channel changer), and the game itself. Basically, there is a set of cards and on them is a list of things you need to find in about 30 seconds. For example, a few of my friends had to find like an alligator, the color blue, an apple, etc. After the third time playing the game, you start to feel a little nauseous. Man I wish I had thought of that game. I'd totally be a millionaire by now....or not.
So this last weekend was rough. I felt sick and was felt the urge to cry. It was a totally weird experience and hope that that doesn't happen ever again. Lately I have been stressing out about finances and what not. I know I'm not the only one has been feeling the same way. But it is sucking the fun out of my life. I need to find a job that allows me to travel and experience new places and people. I still need to figure out where I'll ever find the time to take my once in a lifetime road trip to Montana and South Dakota. Geographically speaking, it wouldn't be that long of a trip. Give me a car, good music, unhealthy snacks, and a caffeinated beverage and I would be good to go. Money is totally getting in the way of this goal. I hate being a adult. It is way overrated. Well enough of that....
The town that I live in FINALLY got some moisture. The funny thing about the whole ordeal was that it was uncharacteristic for this time of year. I had to laugh because back in UT it is raining up a storm and my hometown is in the freaking desert. I live off the coast of California and they are in a drought. It's all a little backward if you ask me.
I turned on my play list and was thinking of the whole Taylor Swift and Kanye West drama. I know I'm not the first to comment on this, nor will I be the last. But I thought I would jump on the band wagon for just a moment. The guy is a totally jerk and what is even more sad is that our own President of the United States thinks so too. Apparently he was quoted as saying that he thinks that Kanye is a 'jack***'. haha I think I might be warming up to Obama. If you don't already know what happened, just Google it. There are several pages devoted to this incident. Well I have to go....I know, this was a productive post wasn't it? Later:)
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