Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cotton candy...

I've decided that cotton candy is one of the best thing since sliced bread. I love my sugar! I'm indeed thankful to whomever came up with the idea. Right now I'm waiting for the cleaners to finish their work. So, what better way to kill time than to update my blog! Thank goodness for music. Yesterday was an interesting day. First off, my employers called a repairman to look at the dishwasher. It has been really loud lately when we run the cycle. They've had the machine for eighteen months and it broke. So it was either buy a new dishwasher or install a new motor. We all know that buying a motor can be just as expensive as buying a whole new unit. But it was decided that a new motor would be best. For those of you that are looking to purchase a fine dishwasher....DON'T PURCHASE A WHIRLPOOL!! IT WILL JUST DIE ON YOU A FEW MONTHS LATER! I thought I'd give you a fair warning. Also, my niece called me yesterday. She is so cute and is getting better at speaking. After all, she is only two years old. Her laugh is so makes you want to laugh. That phone call made my day so much better! I like to hear from my family...even if it is not so good news. Being away from them is difficult. Thank goodness for the many forms of communication. I have to admit I could make a better effort to keep in contact with them. Unfortunately....or perhaps fortunately, I don't have anything interesting to report to the fam. The single life is not that interesting. However, I did go to the singles ward in Berkeley last Sunday. Yes Mom....I did! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I am, however, looking forward to General Conference. The Interstake Center is on Temple grounds and of course everything is beautiful there.
I took a dance class the other night. I had so much fun! It has become my only form of exercise...oh well. At least I'm making the effort. Still trying to get off 'the big corn'. It takes way to much will power to not want a soda. That's why I keep my water bottle with me always. It helps to remind me that I have something to drink....even if it is water:( This is perhaps the most boring post ever...but I've got to go! Peace:)! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This blog needs help....

This blog needs some help, I think. When I rearranged my room, I didn't connect the cable box to my T.V. Oddly enough I think that it has served me well. I have removed the temptation to want to watch television shows during the work hours and I don't stay up super late at night channel surfing. Oh...this is a random thought but have any of you ever played that game? It is very simple. All you need is a T.V., a remote (or channel changer), and the game itself. Basically, there is a set of cards and on them is a list of things you need to find in about 30 seconds. For example, a few of my friends had to find like an alligator, the color blue, an apple, etc. After the third time playing the game, you start to feel a little nauseous. Man I wish I had thought of that game. I'd totally be a millionaire by now....or not.
So this last weekend was rough. I felt sick and was felt the urge to cry. It was a totally weird experience and hope that that doesn't happen ever again. Lately I have been stressing out about finances and what not. I know I'm not the only one has been feeling the same way. But it is sucking the fun out of my life. I need to find a job that allows me to travel and experience new places and people. I still need to figure out where I'll ever find the time to take my once in a lifetime road trip to Montana and South Dakota. Geographically speaking, it wouldn't be that long of a trip. Give me a car, good music, unhealthy snacks, and a caffeinated beverage and I would be good to go. Money is totally getting in the way of this goal. I hate being a adult. It is way overrated. Well enough of that....
The town that I live in FINALLY got some moisture. The funny thing about the whole ordeal was that it was uncharacteristic for this time of year. I had to laugh because back in UT it is raining up a storm and my hometown is in the freaking desert. I live off the coast of California and they are in a drought. It's all a little backward if you ask me.
I turned on my play list and was thinking of the whole Taylor Swift and Kanye West drama. I know I'm not the first to comment on this, nor will I be the last. But I thought I would jump on the band wagon for just a moment. The guy is a totally jerk and what is even more sad is that our own President of the United States thinks so too. Apparently he was quoted as saying that he thinks that Kanye is a 'jack***'. haha I think I might be warming up to Obama. If you don't already know what happened, just Google it. There are several pages devoted to this incident. Well I have to go....I know, this was a productive post wasn't it? Later:)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Big Bang Theory Moves Furniture

So...this is another TBBT deal! It's from one of my favorite episodes....enjoy!

Labor Day...

Note: I think I went a little comma happy. It's late and I don't want to change anything.

I thought I was going to spend this weekend just chillin' in my room, making it a movie weekend. But alas, it was not to be. What was to be an uneventful weekend became anything but, sort of. On Friday evening my friend and I made plans for me to visit her on Saturday. I arrived at her house, and off we went to the Santa Rosa Junior College, to watch the first football game of the season. I was super excited to attend the game, as I have not been to one in years. We met up with one of Mic' friends and entertained ourselves by walking around the campus, talking about food, and checking out the cute guys. Fast forward a couple of hours, the game finally commenced!!! The first couple of quarters weren't that eventful. I thought a couple of the calls the 'zebras' made were very silly. The third and fourth quarters were exciting. The home team got two touchdowns and won the game. However, the thing that got every one's undivided attention, happened off the field. Two of the SRJC players got into a...shall we say 'heated' debate over something that happened on the field earlier. One of the guys happened to be Mic's boyfriend and the other guy was his roommate. So even though his team won, the post game dinner turned out to be a rather tense affair. Mic, myself, and her friend tried to make light of the situation, but the guy was having none of it. I met up with my friends at Mic's BF's apartment where all heck broke loose. The BF and his roommate got into another argument that turned ugly quick. Now I know that boys will be boys, but come on!!! The next then Mic and I know, the two guys are challenging each other to an all out brawl. While all of this was going on, I noticed the guy's apartment was directly above a frozen yogurt shop. Now I am all for that sort of stuff and I headed in. I was about to make a purchase when Mic came in and said it was time to go. Great I thought...and I didn't even get the yummy dessert. The following twenty minutes were quite possibly the most uncomfortable minutes of my life I have never heard so much swearing in a short period of time. I couldn't get out of that car fast enough when it was parked. My plan at that time was to just leave, but I stayed as my friend was visibly upset by the events that had taken place. To top it off, the BF got kicked out of his apartment and we went back later to retrieve his things. By then I was determined to leave and get back home. I was tired after being in the sun all day and I didn't want to deal with anymore of the drama. Holy Cow! Anyway, I got back home...finally!...and didn't actually get to sleep til about 2 a.m. Maybe that had to due with the fact that I downed a Red Bull for the ride home. I did manage to wake up early the same morning with the determination to complete the task at hand....changing my room around. My employers weren't home so with my music playing loudly, I set out to undertake this rather large scale endeavour. After two hours of constantly moving large objects around. I completed the activity and I must admit that I enjoy the new view. On Labor Day, I totally slept in...isn't that what you're supposed to do on holidays? I made it the 'Keeping Up Appearances' marathon. So with a Boston cream pie and root beer at the ready, I watched the entire series. Took an afternoon drive and enjoyed the changing of the the season. It's wonderful to see the leaves change color and smell the burning of wood in the evening. This is perhaps one of my favorite seasons. While it is far more beautiful to witness this event in Utah...California has its own beauty as well. I am still waiting for it to rain here....The kids and I found this huge, ugly looking bug with super long antennas. We were trying to figure out what kind of bug it was, then it flew away. We made our own 'Grand Canyon'. You know, sometimes playing with kids just freaking rocks!!:) So that's what happened this year during Labor Day. I have to say that I prefer going to the Iron County Fair and Parade over this kind of stuff anyday. Having a wonderful day...Hope you are too! Peace out!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Big Bang Theory - Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

I have become a fan of this is so freaking hilarious!! These particular scences make me laugh every time I watch this. You know that laughter really is the best medicine!!!


I couldn't think of a cool title today, so you're stuck with yo!!! What a day and a half. I can't believe it's only Wednesday. If I can get through this week, it'll be a miracle. I have been having a heck of a time sleeping well. If I never see another paid program feature of 'The Sleep Number Bed', it'll be to soon. Obviously, this is going to be one of those deep, dark thought provoking blogs:) That'll be the day. I bought myself a planner yesterday. Now all I want to do is get rid of it. I've figured out why I didn't have one this last year. Once you see all the things that you have planned to do, it makes you go crazy. Or at least that's what it does to me. Go figure! Life is way to complicated and 'planned' out for me anyway. I don't want a daily reminder of it. Well, now that I got that out of my system. Maybe I should think more positively on the subject....Okay I thought about it....yep I got nothin'. In all seriousness, it was brought to my attention a couple of day ago that perhaps I could be a bit more organized. Hopefully, this will prove to be a fruitful venture. So this weekend, I will attempt to change my room around. Unfortunately, I have picked up a bad habit from my mom. I remember when I was a little kid having to help my mom move our furniture around A LOT. I'm okay with change and all, but I prefer that it happen when I want it to. This is one those times in which I can control said change. I'm looking forward to this activity...I even put it in my planner! OMGosh! Did heck just freeze over? WOW! I can tell it is SO time to hit the hay....with that I bit thee good night! Later:)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Middle of nowhere....

When I say that I take my bike and ride into the middle of nowhere, this is what I mean....It was a beautiful day...Hot and slightly windy, but it was very quiet. You couldn't hear anything but the occasional airplane flying by. It is almost therapeutic when I reach my destination. To sit and read a book or just sit and listen to the wind. It's too bad that I don't do that more often.:)