Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hello from Cali....

So I made it to California without incident. But wouldn't you know, I ended up getting sick a couple of days after said arrival. Before I left Utah, I visited my fam and one of my nieces Harlie was sick. In a conversation with my Mom, she informed me that my Dad and also my brother-in-law all got sick like I me. So the first few days in my new home, and I spent it in bed, with many trips to the bathroom. I don't think rice and spaghetti will be eaten anytime soon. I also have found that my cell service here sucks. I really don't want to change my phone service. I just got used to the one I have now. Also, my computer cannot connect to the internet. Dad if you are reading please!! Now with all of that said, this family that I am working for are great. More importantly the kids that I will be watching are awesome. So I am thinking that I will enjoy this area and whatnot. I'll keep you posted....

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