Monday, December 29, 2008


Well it's a been a few days since Christmas and I'm still recovering. I worked a quick, four hour shift, and then headed home to chill with the fam. At first my brother Jed arrived with his wife and son. We all settled down and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. Soon my brother Seth and my sister Lindsey arrived with their families. After that, it was what I like to call organized chaos. Babies crawling on the floor, wrapping paper, boxes and bows everywhere. With 13 people all in one room together, it became necessary to spread out and find seclusion in different parts of the house. So with that, the boys went down stairs to play Fuzeball, while the gals cleaned the living room. I don't know how that ended up happening but go figure. It was a great Christmas this year. I've grown to really appreciate my family and the importance of each person in it. Right now, I am preparing to leave my beloved state of Utah and move to California. This ought to be an interesting adventure. That's all I'm going to say on that subject. So my cats are trying to 'attack' my legs at the moment. I love how they think they are so sneaky. It will be my last week working at CBA and I don't know how the girls will take my leaving them. They seem to get upset when staff quit. So I hope it goes well and what not. This is possibly the most random blog ever. Anyhow talk to you all later.....

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