Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So Hello...

Hello there! So it's Christmas Eve and I just finished my shift for work. Cedar Breaks Academy, otherwise known as CBA, is a girls home for troubled youth. Tonight was a good night. The girls sang karaoke and watched some movies. It was wonderful to see them enjoy each others company. I don't know if I can listen to the song 'I'm a Survivor' by Destiny's Child. The girls sang that one to death. I hope they have a wonderful Christmas. My Mom on the other hand is stressing out. She is trying to finish with some late x-mas presents. I'm hoping she doesn't totally freak out trying to get it all done. My entire family will be present tomorrow, so I am thrilled. I never imagined so many people in our house. We have a system set in place for tomorrow but who knows if it will work. It is my job to carry all the presents up to our living room so that my siblings don't have to walk up and down the stairs. Then, the office will convert into a nursery of sorts. I guess that's what happens when you have nieces and nephews. It will be a crazy day I am certain, but I wouldn't have it any other way. So I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and of course a Happy New Year. Until next time....(which could very well be tomorrow.)

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