OMGOSH!!!!!!!!! It's a good thing there are like four people who know about this blog, otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd get fired for what I'm about to say! There has been a lot of 'little things' (where I am currently employed) that are driving me crazy and quite frankly it's getting to the point where things need to change or I'm going to quit. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS GOING TO BE A GRIPE SESSION Anywho, so today I woke up ready to conquer the day. It's to bad that the day didn't forewarn me of what was to come. "E" wasn't feeling well today so she stayed home. No big deal I thought, it happens so I gave her some medicine, made some breakfast, let her watch some cartoons (BTW....I got grilled big time for letting her watch cartoons. I thought that was kind of wierd because all of the kids have been able to watch t.v. when they have been home ill. They've never complained about it until now. Apparently, it "sets a precedent so that the kids won't want to go to school." Give me a break already!!! It's not like she watched it all day. She read and even played a little game with me. Good freaking heavens. Yes, your children are going to fake being sick all the time now because they'll get to watch t.v.!!! These people are crazy sometimes.) Everything was going well until I entered the laundry room, where upon I see splayed out on the counter one of the kids shirts and two sticky notes attached to it. "Taryn- See how Nathan's brand new shirt shrunk? See how the stains of the lower right are baked on? That's exactly why I asked you to spot treat and not dry on high like you did." Okay, so here's the deal-e-o on that. I've been telling them for months that there is something wrong with their washer. Occasionally, clothes will get spots on them for unknown reasons. And just to clarify, it doesn't just happen when I wash clothes, but when they themselves are washing their own clothes. Secondly, I spot treat ALL of the kids blessed clothing. After my first encounter with this issue I learned quickly how to wash the kids clothes their way. Why they keep hounding me on this issue, I'll never know. Anyway, moving shirts shrink a little especially if they are 100% cotton. I'm still not sure if he's mad that it was just a 'brand new' shirt that shrunk a little or the fact that it was the 'almighty' Stanford shirt. We'll never know! As far as the whole drying deal is concerned, it's true I used to dry the kids clothes on high. Who knew it would bring all sorts of hell for doing that? Me apparently.....but again I've repented, and have been using the lowest heating possible to dry their clothes. And STILL I get these random notes saying that I'm just not getting it. Well........I GET IT!!!!!!!! Gosh dang it! I make the freaking appointments, take the kids to all of their crazy events, make dinner......oh and this is another thing.......I'm seriously considering of having the kids make their own dinners and lunches for that matter. I feel like a fraking, yes fraking short order cook sometimes. One kid doesn't like pot sticker, the other fish, and the other one only eats from plastic kid thinks the milk is always sour (which is not true....the milk is freaking fine) and psychs himself out so badly that he ends up gagging and throwing kids hate burritos and the other throws tantrums if the meals are not prepared efficently enough for their taste (it ends up thrown across the room otherwise).....Where are the days when whatever was made for dinner was put in front of you and you ATE IT? I remember, and correct me if I'm wrong Mom, when I didn't eat all of my dinner. Not only did I not get dessert, but I had to eat my leftover meal for breakfast or lunch and even for dinner. Basically, it was finish it or starve until you do. All I get is complaining from everyone!!!!! Your jobs are stressful, I get that, but really? Must you take it out on me? I'm doing my job the best I can! alkdjfowehrqwobqowjfkl;asjdflkaeht boiueroiu qwerkljdfjasldkfj al;sdje0e3 I kind of feel a little better now......oh and as a side note, spanking will definatly be reinforced in my household!!!!!! I don't care what people say. If I tried to pull ANY of the crap that these kids are doing......whoa I would have been dead already! Seriously! There is only so much that time outs, check charts, and all of that crap can accomplish before it doesn't do anything!!!!!!! Oh and one other thing to add to the growing list of things.....It irritates the heck out of me when the kids complain about something and then I get in trouble for nothing. Take for example today, Emily complained that she was hungry because she didn't get anything for lunch. Okay people, the girl wanted UDON noodles for lunch and I made her some. She got a nice glass of juice to go along with it. That's all she wanted for lunch. The next thing I know, I'm getting a stern talking to because I'm not feeding their kids. Also, I made a large dinner for the kids tonight which consisted of kiwi and plums, hamburger patties with mashed potatoes and some steamed mixed veggies, the way they like them. And still it's not good enough for them. When will enough be enough for this family??????????? Okay, whatever, I'm done with this for now. Wait, I think I just heard the 'world's smallest violin' stop playing. I guess that means it's time for me to sign off. Good night and sleep tight! :)
P.S. God bless the idea of blogging. This is quite theraputic.....I think it's going to start taking precedent over chocolate soon.
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