Monday, October 12, 2009

Why hello there:)

Sup? Okay I was talking with some people the other day about a certain phrase that we use nowadays. Can you guess what it is? Okay, it is 'what is up?'. Throughout the years this phrase has become increasingly shorter and shorter. For example: it used to be that you would walk up to someone and say, "What is up?" When I was in school, this phrase went through two different phases. First, it was, "What's up?" and then it became, "Wazzup". Now days, this phrase has undergone another change. These days if you listen to a teenager, you'll most likely hear them say, "Sup" when they start a conversation. For reasons unknown to me, I have this fear that the phrase will die out and another more insipid one will take its place. Yes, I have random conversations, but if you think about it, I'm right. So I got my butt kicked in a game of a five year old. Then my newly replenished junk food stash got raided and I'm back to PB&J sandwiches. Horray!!!:( I'm short of buying a safe and lock my goodies away from little hands.

So I'm a total Facebook addict. I guess that's the first step right? J/K! Well I've taken these ridiculous but ever addicting quizzes about random things like, 'what language best suits you'? Turns out that the German language is better suited for me than English. By no means am I about to delve into learning another language. If there is one I learned about serving a LDS mission, it is that I suck at speaking a lanuage other than English. I took a quiz about something to do with which famous woman in history I would be. My result was Laura Ingall's 'the badass'. I had to laugh when I saw this, because I remember watching 'The Little House on the Prarie as a child. What was another one?.....oh yeah! Apparently, Norway is more my style. So...I'm moving!! Catch on the flip side!!!! Yeah right....why would I want to live in a country where it's colder than Parowan during the winter time? So that might not be accurate. But if I were to ditch the good ole USA for another country, it would be for Ireland. I would love to live there. Who knows...I never thought that I would actually visit the country. Maybe one day!:) So while the quizzes are again, ridiculous and time consuming, they have provided me with fodder for my blog and your entertainment!

OH!!! I created a Christmas playlist the other day and I have been listening to it everyday since then. I'm fairly certain that I am annoying everyone around me. If not, I think that my employers think I'm crazy!!!!! I can't help it. The music makes me happy and really, who can argue with that logic. Trust me when I say that I really need to be in a uplifting mood this week. It's going to be crazy around here with people on very different schedules than usual. On a random note...I know what a shocker...the song 'Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer' has special meaning to me and members of my family. Hey Mom the title fits you now. haha I just thought of that. So here's to you Mom!!! Everytime that song comes on, I end up telling 'the story'. It's almost as good as "Where's the mall?" and "Sir, this is OnStar. Is everything okay?" Okay, so my leg just went to sleep. I guess that's my cue to end this post. I think I might post my Christmas playlist...perhaps it will put whomever reads this in a good mood. Unless of course you listen to the 'Grinch song'. Anyhow, good evening to all, and to all a good night!!!! Admit it. You totally saw that one coming! :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Big Bang Theory - Penny's Christmas gift to Sheldon

One of the best scenes from this makes me laugh every time I watch it:)

Monday, October 5, 2009

My weekend.......

General Conference weekend.
Two days of spiritual enlightenment.
Total fun!!!

On Friday I left for my friends house with the intent to just chill and watch General Conference...Right. Friday evening got off to a great start. Mic left her keys at a friends house, so she didn't have her key to get into her room. She was fairly late for work that evening seeing that she didn't have the appropriate work clothes. While she was at work, I ended up playing with her two year old niece. I finally gave up at about midnight. Saturday arrived, Mic got her key back, we got ready for the conference, raided her kitchen to get food for some starving football players, delivered said food to some grateful football guys, and later attended the morning session. I loved Elder Bednar's definitely made me think of the fam and how much they mean to me. Afterward, I changed into more comfortable clothing and went to a SRJC football game. But not before mooching off the Elders for some pizza and soda. To be fair though, I did give them some mint Oreo cookies for their trouble. The game was awesome and pretty intense. The final score was 54 to 32! My throat was sore from screaming and yelling from both excitement and flat out bad calls. The zebra's were working overtime during that game. Anyway, Mic and I ended up watching the afternoon GC session at her uncles house. The next day, we watched both sessions of GC, played some basketball with the missionaries, and watched 'The Singles Ward 2'. Then we had some real food! After eating cookies and cheesy crackers for two days straight, you begin to appreciate a good home cooked meal. I didn't get home until late and was exhausted...It was easy to fall asleep after such a long weekend. I'm just glad to be back home and in the grove with work. Normally I would hate that, but not this week. Today went by fairly fast....I love days like this! Well, the NyQuil is starting to kick in and the first disc of 'Burn Notice' is repeating it menu screen over and over. I guess I'd better put in the second one and go from there....Hope everyone is having a great evening!!! Peace:)