Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Holy crap! I almost forgot to mention the Utah vs Cal game. Since my parents had to pick me up at the airport and drive an additional three hours they recorded the game. It was good and well worth the wait and really all I gotta say about the game, was that it was FREAKING AWESOME. Oh, and as a side note, I AM NOT WASHING THE CARS!!!!!!!:)

Random looking page......

Hi there!!!! So, for the last hour I have been trying to get a new background/banner to replace my current festive one. No such luck!!! Until I can figure out how to fix the problem, you are going to have to deal with my page being really, really messed up. At least you don't have to listen to my Christmas play list. Instead you get to listen to some super random 'Taryn' songs!!!! If I have to suffer while this page is 'under construction', then so do you. Poor souls!!!:( ha ha....I feel delirious with power. Had I known this would happen, I would have gone to the 'dark side' earlier. They gave me cookies!!! Who says 'no' to cookies? So with that, may the mass times acceleration be with you....:)

P.S Eat pomegranates!!!!!